Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Firecrest in Canada Gardens

Firecrest (J. Schwiebbe)
James Lowen and Ken Murray discovered a Firecrest in Canada Gardens a couple days ago. There has been at least 3 sightings since the beginning of September. It may relate to 3 separate birds or more likely, the same bird.

They also found 3 Robin, 1 Wren, 5 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit and a Blackbird.

Get yourself down here and help find some more migrants.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

A brief update

Peregrine (Sacha Barbato)
This project which runs until the end of October should help (weather permitting) underline the effect of 'white light' on migrant birds passing over the capital's night sky. So far, the project has already shown an increase in migrant activity over and above the preceding weeks leading up to its inception.

The current prevailing westerly systems have almost certainly affected volumes slightly. However, as I speak there has been a couple Firecrest sightings, a Northern Wheatear and Song Thrush - all three of which were last recorded in 2004!

Plus birds like Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler have put in an appearance.

Here's looking forward to a change of wind direction, and hoping all who participate in this exciting project enjoy this most urban of urban landscapes.

Please remember to email all your sightings including the common species like Blue Tit (Coal Tit is an extreme vagrant) and Blackbird, plus any Peregrine sightings.

Ken Murray